In a major step toward health reform passage, Senate Democrats drop expansion plan to appease moderates
In a major step toward health reform legislation passage, Senate Democrats drop expansion plan to appease moderates
In major step toward As health legislation passage care overhaul hangs in the balance, Senate Democrats drop expansion plan Obama attempts to appease moderates unite fragmented party with meeting
As After sending Dems, White House scrambling for health care overhaul hangs in the balance compromise, Obama attempts senator says he's ready to unite fragmented party with meeting vote
After sending Dems, White House scrambling for health overhaul compromise, senator says he's ready to vote
After sending President says Senate Dems on 'precipice' of passing historic legislation to overhaul U.S, . White House scrambling for health overhaul compromise, senator says he's ready to vote care system
President says Senate Dems on 'precipice' verge of passing historic legislation to overhaul U.S. health care system
President says Senate Dems on verge of passing historic legislation to overhaul U.S. health care system system• FOX FORUM: Amendment That Could Kill Health Care
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