Homicide attacker explodes among hundreds in the residential compound of a Pakistani political candidate
Homicide attacker explodes among hundreds in the residential compound of a Pakistani political candidate
Homicide attacker bomber explodes among hundreds in the residential compound of a Pakistani political candidate
Homicide bomber explodes among hundreds in the residential compound Blast packed with ball bearins, nails slaughters dozens praying at mosque shatters Islamic holy day of a Pakistani political candidate Eid al-Adha
Blast packed with ball bearins bearings, nails slaughters dozens praying at mosque shatters Islamic holy day of Eid al-Adha
Blast packed with ball bearings, nails slaughters dozens praying at mosque; shatters Islamic holy day of Eid al-Adha
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Stories: 11583
Total amount of edits: 16491
Running for: 814 days