Friday, 6 November, 2009
12:04 - 21 minutes - 12:25
12:25 - 24 minutes - 12:49
12:49 - 29 minutes - 13:18
13:18 - 5 minutes - 13:23
13:23 - 40 minutes - 14:03
14:03 - 7 minutes - 14:11
14:11 - 48 minutes - 14:59
14:59 - 25 minutes - 15:24
15:24 - 51 minutes - 16:15
16:15 - 29 minutes - 16:44
16:44 - 2 hours 35 minutes - 19:19
19:19 - 7 minutes - 19:26

The Quick Brown
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By Amount of Edits
Top 20 shortest edits

The Quick Brown tracks changes in Fox News headlines.

Styles used to show edits:

Red with strikethrough
Text that has been removed.

Black inverted:
Text or story that has been added.

The story was removed from the headlines list.

Light grey
A headline that stayed the same.

Stories: 11583
Total amount of edits: 16491
Running for: 814 days

Jonathan Puckey