Government Accountability Office audit to say Iraqi government has only fulfilled six of 18 political, military benchmarks
Government Accountability Office Congressional audit of war finds that Iraqi leaders failed to say Iraqi government has only fulfilled six meet 13 of 18 benchmarks for political, military benchmarks security progress
Congressional audit of war finds that Iraqi leaders failed to meet 13 of 18 benchmarks for political, security progress
Congressional White House complains congressional audit of war finds that Iraqi leaders failed to meet 13 of 18 benchmarks for political strategy used unfair 'all or nothing' standards, security progress officials say
White House complains congressional audit of war strategy used unfair 'all or nothing' standards, officials say
White House complains Iraqi leaders only met 5 of 18 benchmarks, impending congressional audit of war strategy used unfair 'all or nothing' standards, officials say reportedly says
Iraqi leaders only met 5 five of 18 benchmarks, impending congressional audit of war strategy reportedly says
Iraqi leaders only met five of 18 benchmarks laid out by lawmakers, congressional audit of war strategy reportedly says
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